
from Sedona Marketing Magic

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Unique Street Car Ride in 1905 San Francisco

Troops Patrol Market Street in 1906 After the Earthquake

Having been born in San Francisco during WW2, and having taken the street car ride on Market Street to the Ferry Building on many occasions, I was thrilled to find this video of that same street car ride under very different circumstances than the one I was used to experiencing. The music is the first track from Airs' Moon Safari album (and can be muted if you so desire), accompanied by scenes from a video shot from a streetcar traveling down Market Street in San Francisco in 1905, the year before the earthquake/fire of 1906 destroyed much of the area. This video reveals some remarkable footage of the turn of the century lifestyles. The video is CC no rights reserved. You can download it from the www.archive.org. Enjoy the ride.


  1. I saw it. Unbelievable how this could have been shot like it was way back then.

  2. This is very cool. Thanks for posting it.

  3. Did you notice that these trolleys were "cable" cars? No overhead wires, and the middle slot to the cable beneath the street. I also spent a lot of time in that part of "The City." Working at 351 Market and Market and Van Ness. This was great. Thanks for the post.
